Media Mention  /  January 13, 2021

Washington Post: How to help pro-democracy Republicans dump the seditionists

Jennifer Rubin

I have written before about the messed-up incentives on the right that reward politicians who play to the MAGA base, a portion of which stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. Those who align themselves with authoritarian forces, promote the Big Lie that the election was stolen and refuse to wear masks in close proximity to colleagues (because “real” MAGA guys don’t care if they infect others) are invited on on right-wing talk radio or cable news, get honored by think tanks, receive money from equally crazed donors and pick up buzz about future presidential ambitions. Changing that dynamic is difficult but not impossible.

Corporate America has been stepping up by de-platforming people who attempt to overthrow the election and by cutting off funds to those who pushed specious objections to the electoral college results even after the failed putsch. Now a Republican group, the Republican Accountability Project, is doing its part. The group, which has $50 million to defend Republicans who support impeachment, is being led by Sarah Longwell, a top Never Trumper who was the force behind Republican Voters Against Trump, as well as Olivia Troye, a former aide to Vice President Pence, and Elizabeth Neumann, former deputy chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security. In addition, the group plans on helping primary challengers to knock out the seditionists.

Keep reading at The Washington Post.