Media Mention  /  August 24, 2021

The Bulwark: The Cyber Ninjas’ Real Finding: Other States Can Run Sham Audits, Too

Report or no report, Arizona Republican Senate President Karen Fann and her merry band of Cyber Ninjas stumbled upon something quite dastardly: an unprecedented model for bitter partisans to challenge elections after the fact.

What Trump supporters have discovered is that elected officials in state legislatures have the power, through subpoenas, to seize ballots, machines, and associated equipment, to run their election investigations. That’s the real lesson of the Arizona audit: not that the election results were flawed, but that other jurisdictions can emulate this model to undermine our most essential mechanism of our democracy.

And guess what? Trump supporters in other states have learned that lesson. Republicans in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are taking steps to set up faux audits of their own.

Continue reading at The Bulwark.