Rep. Ron Estes

Rep. Ron Estes

Flag Image Kansas · District 4

Democracy Score

Very Poor
Signed Texas amicus brief
Objected to certification of electoral college votes in one or more states
Made no public statements about the election, or was evasive
Voted against impeachment or conviction of Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection
Voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack
Voted against holding Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress


Rep. Ron Estes represents Kansas’s 4th congressional district.

On November 6, Rep. Estes tweeted that “it is critical that every legal vote is counted and that illegally-submitted ballots are not.” Regardless of state and local officials confirming that legal votes were being counted and there were no signs of widespread voter fraud, Rep. Estes supported the Texas amicus brief more than a month later. He also announced that he was objecting to the counting of the electoral college votes.

Rep. Estes did not vote in support of the bipartisan commission proposal to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Rep. Ron Estes has no issues with undermining our democracy, he gets an F.