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June 7, 2022
Time for the truth about January 6
The House January 6 Committee was created to get to the facts about the January 6 attacks. For over a year, they’ve sifted through thousands of documents and interviewed numerous witnesses to piece together what really happened that day. It hasn’t been easy. From the beginning…
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February 6, 2022
New Video: “Trump Over the Truth”
The Republican Accountability Project released a new digital ad defending Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger after the Republican National Committee voted to censure them for telling the truth about the January 6 insurrection. Reps. Cheney and Kinzinger deserve praise—not punishment—for continuing to stand on principle. Call the RNC at…
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January 27, 2022
New ad campaign calls out Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake
The Republican Accountability Project’s latest television ad campaign takes aim at the irresponsible conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being pushed by Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake. The ad introduces voters to Lake and her reckless comments, including her statement that she would not have certified the 2020 election…
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January 11, 2022
New Ad Campaign calls for Senators Sinema and Manchin to Defend Voting Rights
It’s been over a year since the 2020 election, yet so many Republicans are still convinced that it was stolen and rife with fraud. Across the country, Republican-controlled state legislatures are trying to change their states’ voting laws to give credence to the lies about widespread fraud. It’s a shameful…
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January 7, 2022
New Ad Campaign Addressing Republican Hypocrisy on January 6
One year ago, Republicans were clear: Donald Trump bears responsibility for the January 6 insurrection. But now, they lie and downplay this assault on our democracy. We’re here to remind them that they had it right the first time. Try as they may, Republicans cannot hide what they said on…
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