Mark Meadows and the Plot to Overturn the Election: The Timeline

What is he hiding about January 6?

Mark Meadows served as Donald Trump’s chief of staff throughout Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election. He was regularly in contact with members of Congress, government officials, and various media figures and activists. When piecing together what Trump knew and when he knew it, Mark Meadows’ name resurfaces over and over.

This timeline contains key moments involving Meadows and the Trump White House’s attempts to prevent certification of the 2020 election. It will be regularly updated as more information on Meadows’ involvement comes to light.

  • Mark Meadows appears on CNN’s “State of the Union”

    MEADOWS: “Do you realize how inaccurate the voter rolls are with just people just moving around? Let alone the people that die off. But sending ballots out based on a voter roll registration? Any time you move, you change your driver’s license but you don’t call up and say, by the way, I’m reregistering for — ”

    TAPPER: “But there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud.”

    MEADOWS: “There’s no evidence that there’s not either. That’s the definition of fraud, Jake.”

  • Meadows attacks FBI Director Christopher Wray

    In an interview with “CBS This Morning,” Meadows says that, “With all due respect to Director Wray, he has a hard time finding emails in his own FBI, let alone figuring out whether there’s any kind of voter fraud.”

  • Text from Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows


    NC gonna be ok?

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sean Hannity

    Stress every vote matters. Get out and vote

    On radio

  • Text from Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows

    Yes sir

    On it. Any place in particular we need a push

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sean Hannity

    Pennsylvania. NC AZ


  • Text from Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows

    Got it. Everywhere

  • Text from Rick Perry to Mark Meadows

    HERE’s an AGRESSIVE (sic) STRATEGY: Why can t (sic) the states of GA NC PENN and other R controlled state houses declare this is BS (where conflicts and election not called that night) and just send their own electors to vote and have it go to the SCOTUS.

  • Text from Matt Schlapp to Mark Meadows

    Pls get 4 or 5 killers in remaining counts. Need outsiders who will torch the place. Local folks won’t do it. Lawyers and operators. Get us in these states. Worried that ronna not in mi.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Matt Schlapp

    I may need to get you and mercy to go to PA

  • Mark Levin tweets a theory about the power of state legislatures over elections

  • Text from Donald Trump Jr. to Mark Meadows

    Republicans control Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina etc we get Trump electors..Republicans control 28 states Democrats 22 states…Once again Trump wins..We either have a vote WE control and WE win OR it gets kicked to Congress 6 January 2021

  • Text from Ginni Thomas to Mark Meadows

    Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    We have no tools / data / information to go out and fight RE: election / fraud. If you need / want it, we all need to know what’s going on. Fwiw…

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Chip Roy

    Thanks so much. Working on it for surrogates briefing. Congratulations btw

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    Roger. Yessir, thx. Now let’s hold GA, & take az & pa!

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    What’s the message? This seems hard to sell:

    Any help on message appreciated. We’re all just making generic statements…

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Chip Roy

    If observers are not present then votes should not be uploaded. The fair and open process should be subject to observation

  • Text from Ginni Thomas to Mark Meadows

    Do not concede. It takes time for the army who is gathering for his back.

  • Text from Jason Miller to Hope Hicks, Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, Bill Stepien and Ivanka Trump

    One other key data point: In 2016, POTUS received 15.5% of the vote in Philadelphia County. ‘Today he is currently at 18.3%. ‘So he increased from his performance in 2016. In 2016, Philadelphia County made up 11.3% of the total vote in the state. ‘As it currently stands, Philadelphia County only makes up 10.2% of the statewide vote tally. So POTUS performed better in a smaller share. Sen. Santorum was just making this point on CNN – cuts hard against the urban vote stealing narrative.

  • Text from Rep. Andy Biggs to Mark Meadows

    I’m sure you have heard of this proposal. It is to encourage the state legislatures to appoint a look doors in the various states where there’s been shenanigans. If I understand right most of those states have Republican Legislature’s. It seems to be comport with glorified Bush as well as the Constitution. And, well highly controversial, it can’t be much more controversial than the lunacy that were sitting out there now. And It would be pretty difficult because he would take governors and legislators with collective will and backbone to do that. Is anybody on the team researching and considering lobbying for that?

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Andy Biggs

    I love it.

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    There is a third way exhausting legal remedies while cooperating with the transition procsss

    Please give this to the president:

    Dear Mr. President, We the undersigned offer our unequivocal support for you to exhaust every legal and constitutional remedy at your disposal to restore Americans faith in our elections. This fight is about much more than just this election. This fight is about the fundamental fairness and integrity of our election system. The nation is depending upon your continued resolve. Stay strong and keep fighting Mr. President. Sincerely, Senator Mike Lee Congressman Andy Biggs Congressman Mike Johnson Brent Bozell, Founder and President, Media Research Center Adam Brandon, President, FreedomWorks Bill Walton, President, Council for National Policy Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List David McIntosh, President, Club for Growth PAC Matt Schlapp, Chairman, American Conservative Union Jenny Beth Martin, Chairman, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund David Bozell, President, ForAmerica Tom Fitton, President, Judicial Watch Seymour Fein M.D., MRC Board of Directors

    We’re sending this as a private communication from us to him through you. We are not issuing it as a press release.

    Use it however you deem appropriate

    And if it’s helpful to you for you to leak it, feel free to do so

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    Sydney Powell is saying that she needs to get in to see the president, but she’s being kept away from him. Apparently she has a strategy to keep things alive and put several states back in play. Can you help her get in?

    It was at the president’s request that Sydney has been working on a strategy and has been trying to get in to see him. But she’s being kept out.

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    Good. Be well. If you’re still in the game… dude, we need ammo. We need fraud examples. We need it this weekend.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Chip Roy

    We are working on exactly that

  • Text from Rick Perry to Mark Meadows

    We have the data driven program that can clearly show where the fraud was committed. This is the silver bullet.”Pam Biondi has seen and agrees!!” Rick Perry

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    We had steering executive meeting at CPI tonight, with Sidney Powell as our guest speaker. My purpose in having the meeting was to socialize with Republican senators the fact that POTUS needs to pursue his legal remedies. You have in us a group of ready and loyal advocates who will go to bat for him, but I fear this could prove short-lived unless you hire the right legal team and set them loose immediately.

    Sidney told us that the campaign lawyers who I do not know are not focused on this and are obstructing progress. I have no way of verifying or refuting that on my own, but I’ve found her to be a straight shooter. In any event, these actions need to be filed and announced in the next 48 hours or the public relations momentum we need to have behind it will start to dissipate.

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    I’m heading to Atlanta – let me know what I can do. We need a message that isn’t wild-eyed

    If you are receiving this email, you have direct access to the President (which I do not), or you advises someone who does. After many discussions with men and women in my peer group, and others involved in policy strategy concerning the potential corruption in the voting process here is my $1.27 worth, which will not get you a cup of coffee at starbucks, but is free of charge moving forward: 1. We must urge the President to tone down the rhetoric, and approach the legal challenge firmly, intelligently and effectively without resorting to throwing wild desperate haymakers, or whipping his base into a conspiracy frenzy. 2. Goal 1a is to get the president re-elected by counting every “legal” vote through recounts in states where the margins qualify, and filing lawsuits in states where there is enough circumstantial voting irregularities evidence to justify the legal action. 3. Goal 1b is to expose corruption where found in a way that motivates public officials to bring about effective change to the voting process which brings meaningful and effective election reform allowing for every vote to be counted in an open/transparent and fair manner to all parties the end game for future elections is for a clear winner to be declared and accepted by all parties. 4. Once the final determination has been made, if we lose, we have an orderly transfer of power, and push hard for election process reform so that this does not happen again if we win, full speed ahead on all conservative fronts. 5. This process must not jeopardize the Senate runoffs in GA by turning moderate republicans and independents against our party we must turn out our people for these runoff elections. I am preaching to the choir, but had to get this off my chest we must not let the more flamboyant members of his advisory team rule the process and screw this up there is a lot on the table for us to win. God bless each of you every day Bill

    These folks don’t get that they don’t win the senate seats if they don’t fight for potus. They gotta get a manual recount before they certify and sec states being stubborn and [Brian Kemp] won’t pressure… and party establishment don’t get it.

    You know this but that’s the deal.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Chip Roy

    We are going to do a manual recount

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    Gotta go before certification…

    I fly here from Tx to help. I’m here at 9 pm. These GA state GOP losers are Mia…

    Only folks here are [pro-Trump lawyer Cleta Mitchell’s] folks & a handful of you get folks down hall.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Chip Roy

    Unbelievable. Pathetic

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    It’s so infuriating.

  • Text from Ginni Thomas to Mark Meadows

    Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!…The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Ginni Thomas

    I will stand firm. We will fight until there is no fight left. Our country is too precious to give up on. Thanks for all you do.

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    I have a simple question: how many [vote-by-mail] ballots were tossed in PA and WI for not meeting the requirements of state law? I can’t find the stats anywhere. But in the primaries it was above the current margin of victory with much lower turnout. If they played games with that Trump has a really strong case.

  • Text from Jason Miller to Mark Meadows

    Emailed you Dominion backgrounder. Lots there re: functionality problems, not much there on Dem/Soros conspiracy connections. Will defer to you on whether or not to share full report with POTUS. POTUS is clearly hyped up on them, not just from his tweets, but he also called me and Justin separately last night to complain. JM

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    Who has catalogued / is tracking the best case for fraud / issues? Do we know?

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    Message: we should be passing ppp and having bipartisan hearings on election integrity. Not business as usual.

    I’m not going to – for various reasons but we need a fight.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Brad Raffensperger

    Mr Secretary. Mark Meadows here. If you could give me a brief call at your convenience. Thank you

  • Text from Ginni Thomas to Mark Meadows

    Sidney and her team are getting inundated with evidence of fraud. Make a plan. Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down.

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    I’m worried about the Powell press conference.

    The potential defamation liability for the president is significant here

    For the campaign and for the president personally

    Unless Powell can back up everything she said, which I kind of doubt she can

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sen. Mike Lee

    I agree. Very concerned

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    The temptation will be to do nothing for now.

    I’m not sure doing nothing is a good option

    Unless Powell can immediately substantiate what she said today, the president should probably disassociate himself and refute any claims that can’t be substantiated

    He’s got deep pockets, and the accusations Powell made are very, very serious

    That is an especially bad combination when you consider the damages that could easily be claimed (and indeed proven) and the deep pockets involved.

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    Hey brother – we need substance or people are going to break…

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    Please give me something to work with. I just need to know what I should be saying.

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    Please tell me what I should be saying.

    There are a few of us in the Senate who want to be helpful (although I sense that number might be dwindling).

    Meanwhile, we are struggling to figure out how to respond to things like this:

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sen. Mike Lee

    I am working on it. Not sure what to suggest

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    If we don’t get logic and reason in this before 11/30 – the GOP conference will bolt (all except the most hard core Trump guys)

    We need a controlled message ASAP.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Chip Roy

    Working on it

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    Thank you.

    Have you talked to John Eastman?

    Get Eastman to file in front of pa board of elections…

    Get data in front of public domain.

    Frigging Rudy needs to hush…

    Deadline for filing with boe is tomorrow.

    What’s the word?

  • Text from Ginni Thomas to Mark Meadows

    Trying to understand the Sidney Powell distancing….

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Ginni Thomas

    She doesn’t have anything or at least she won’t share it if she does

  • Text from Ginni Thomas to Mark Meadows


  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    If you haven’t yet watched tonight’s episode of Life, Liberty, and Levin, you should do so if you can fit it in. Mark Levin makes a very compelling case for the need for litigation related to this election.

    Also, I have an additional idea for the campaign. Something is not right in a few states. I think it could be proven or disproven easily with an audit (a physical counting of all ballots cast) in PA, WI, GA, and MI.

    John Eastman has some really interesting research on this. The good news is is that Eastman is proposing an approach that unlike what Sidney Powell has propose could be examined very quickly.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Ginni Thomas

    Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it.

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    This is great. Will we get this chance in PA, AZ, GA, WI? Did we file any of the evidence with the PA BOE?

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    Where do we stand, brother? do we have anything to put out that can make the case?

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    Happy Thanksgiving, Mark. Stay healthy and well. Please man, help us up together a message to go on offense. I am trying to piece together 11th Cir, Nevada, Pa Hearing, etc… and I think there is a strong message that would be louder and better than Sydney/Rudy have been doing, but it’s hard to keep up.

  • Text from Bernie Kerik to Mark Meadows

    Sir, we are airborne on the way to Michigan from Arizona. We’re going to need a hotel for the team and two vehicles to pick us up.

  • Text from Matt Schlapp to Mark Meadows

    Happy to walk ag through our evidence. Its overwhelming.

  • Text from Jared Kushner to Mark Meadows

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Brad Raffensperger

    mr Secretary. Can you call the White House switchboard at 202 757 6000. For a call. Your voicemail is full

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    If a very small handful of states were to have their legislatures appoint alternative slates of delegates, there could be a path.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sen. Mike Lee

    I am working on that as of yesterday

  • Text from Kelli Ward to Mark Meadows

    This guy says he’s cracked the whole election fraud and wants to speak to someone. I sent his info to Molly Michael a few days ago, but I’m not sure it went anywhere.

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    Also, if you want senators to object, we need to hear from you on that ideally getting some guidance on what arguments to raise.

    I think we’re now passed the point where we can expect anyone will do it without some direction and a strong evidentiary argument.

  • Meadows meets with Trump and staff to plan efforts to overturn the election

    Mark Meadows participates in a meeting with Trump, the White House counsel, a Trump campaign attorney, White House staff, and several others on proposals to challenge the 2020 election results. They reportedly discuss proposals such as alleging foreign interference, appointing a special counsel to investigate fraud, and invocation of the National Emergencies Act.

    At one point in the meeting, Trump is reported to say, “You [White House] guys are offering me nothing. These guys are at least offering me a chance. They’re saying they have the evidence. Why not try this?”

  • Text from Mike Lindell to Mark Meadows

    Hey Mark, I felt I was suppose to text you this message… You being a man a faith and on the front line of the decisions that are going to be historical! I would ask that you pray for wisdom and discernment from God! You are one of the people the president trusts the most. That being said I want to add my input…. Everything Sidney has said is true! We have to get the machines and everything we already have proves the President won by millions of votes! I have read and not validated yet that you and others talked him out of seizing them… If true .. I pray it is part of a bigger plan… I am grateful that on the night of the election the algorithms of the corrupt machines broke and they realized our president would win in spite of the historical fraud! I look for deviations every day in my business … when I find one I investigate relentlessly until I know why it happened and how it happened… ( this is my gift from God that has made my business so successful) From 11:15 pm on the night of the election I have spent all my time running impossible deviations and numbers from this election… I also was blessed to be able to get info and help Sidney Lin General Flynn and everyone else out there gathering all the massive evidence! I have been sickened by politicians ( especially republicans ) judges, the media not wanting to see the truth ( no matter what the truth would be!) This is the biggest cover up of one of the worst crimes in history! I have spent over a million$ to help uncover this fraud and used my platform so people can get the word not to give up! The people on both sides have to see the truth and when they do …. there will not be no civil war , people ( including politicians!) are fearing! The only thing any of us should fear is fear of the Lord! Every person on this planet needs to know the truth and see the evidence!!! Mark .. God has his hand in all of this and has put you on the front line… I will continue praying for you to have great wisdom and discernment! Blessings Mike

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Mike Lindell

    Thanks brother. Pray for a miracle

  • Text from Rep. Mo Brooks to Mark Meadows and an unknown recipient

    All. Mo Brooks here. Media is contacting my office about this afternoon’s White House meeting regarding formulation of our January 6 strategies. Does the White House want me to reply or be mum? Also, it is one thing to discuss (in general terms) our meeting beforehand. It is another to discuss afterwards. If you believe discussion is a positive, I suggest message should be: 1. Progress is being made. 2. More are joining our fight. 3. We can’t allow voter fraud & election theft occur if we are going to be a republic. Your choice. Let me know.

  • Meadows announces meeting between Trump and several members of Congress to discuss claims of voter fraud

    Mark Meadows announces a meeting between Trump and several Republican members of Congress to discuss his claims of widespread voter fraud. Meadows tweets, “Several members of Congress just finished a meeting in the Oval Office with President @realDonaldTrump, preparing to fight back against mounting evidence of voter fraud. Stay tuned.”

  • Meadows meets with Georgia's Deputy Secretary of State

    Mark Meadows travels to Cobb County, GA to observe the county’s mail-in ballot audit and meet with Georgia Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs.

  • Text from Rep. Scott Perry to Mark Meadows

    Mark, just checking in as time continues to count down. 11 days to 1/6 and 25 days to inauguration. We gotta get going!

  • Text from Rep. Scott Perry to Mark Meadows

    Mark, you should call Jeff. I just got off the phone with him and he explained to me why the principal deputy won’t work especially with the FBI. They will view it as as not having the authority to enforce what needs to be done.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Scott Perry

    I got it. I think I understand. Let me work on the deputy position

  • Text from Rep. Scott Perry to Mark Meadows

    Did you call Jeff Clark?

  • Meadows forwards documents about alleged voter fraud

    Mark Meadows forwards documents about alleged fraud in Fulton County, GA to Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen, saying to focus on “only the alleged fraudulent activity.”

  • Text from Rep. Brian Babin to Mark Meadows

    Dems and some Republicans may well try to shortstop our objection efforts. Hoping the VP sticks with us.

  • Text from Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows

    We can’t lose the entire WH counsels office. I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6 th. He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity.

  • Text from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

    Good morning Mark, I’m here in DC. We have to get organized for the 6th. I would like to meet with Rudy Giuliani again. We didn’t get to speak with him long. Also anyone who can help. We are getting a lot of members on board. And we need to lay out the best case for each state. I’ll be over at CPI this afternoon.

  • Text from Jason Miller to Mark Meadows

    Assuming you knew this was coming down the pike, but the MSM is going to use this to drive a massive wedge between POTUS ‘and everybody else in the party.’ He’s absolutely going to blow his stack on this if he isn’t already aware. Oh boy I don’t understand what the VP was thinking here: Pence urges court to throw out lawsuit aiming to help him overturn 2020 election results Politico Kyle Cheney & Josh Gerstein December 31, 2020 ‘ 6:06 PM

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    The President should call everyone off. It’s the only path. If we substitute the will of states through electors with a vote by Congress every 4 years… we have destroyed the electoral college… Respectfully.

    Give a statesman speech. End strong.

  • Meadows sends Acting Attorney General Rosen a conspiracy-themed YouTube video

    Mark Meadows sends Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen a YouTube link detailing the “Italygate” election conspiracy theory that Italian defense contractors and U.S. intelligence used military satellites to remotely switch votes for Trump to Biden. He later requests that Rosen reach out to pro-Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark to obtain information on alleged signature match issues in Fulton County, GA.

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    If POTUS allows this to occur…we’re driving a stake in the heart of the federal republic…

  • Text from Sen. Ted Cruz to Mark Meadows

    Here’s the statement:

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sen. Ted Cruz


  • Text from Katrina Pierson to Mark Meadows

    Good afternoon, would you mind giving me a call re: this Jan 6th event. Things have gotten crazy and I desperately need some direction. Please

  • Meadows joins Trump on his call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

    Mark Meadows is on the line as Trump demands Raffensperger to “find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.”

  • Text from Georgia government official to Mark Meadows

    Need to end this call. I don’t think this will be productive for much longer.

  • Mark Meadows tweets about the planned congressional objection to the election

  • Text from Katrina Pierson to Mark Meadows

    Scratch that, Caroline Wren has decided to move forward with the original psycho list. Apparently Dan Scavino approved??

    So, I’m done. I can’t be a part of embarrassing POTUS any further.

    I let her know that I was going to reach out to WH and her tone changed. So, I’ll continue to build a proper event.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Katrina Pierson

    Thank you

  • Text from an unknown sender to Mark Meadows

    Mark — I am reaching out because I have details on the call that [Peter] Navarro helped convene yesterday with legislators as part of his effort to get Pence to delay certification of the election for 10 days, including that the president participated. Were you on the call when the president spoke?

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    I have grave concerns with the way my friend Ted [Cruz] is going about this effort.

    This will not inure to the benefit of the president.

    Everything changes, of course, if the swing states submit competing slates of electors pursuant to state law.

    But if not, this could help people like Ted and Josh [Hawley] to the detriment of DJT.

    I don’t think the president is grasping the distinction between what we can do and what he would like us to do. Nor do I think he’s grasping the distinction between what certain members are saying that sound like they could help him, but would really hurt him. He’s got a very real opportunity for a win in 2024. That opportunity could be harmed in multiple ways this effort.

    Again, all of this could change if the states in question certified Trump electors pursuant to state law. But in the absence of that, this effort is destined not only to fail, but to hurt DJT in the process.

    Between you and me, I fear that for some this could be a feature, not a bug.

    There are plenty of others, perhaps, who are advocating this strategy with the best of intentions, but without fully understanding the ramifications.

    I don’t purport to know who fits into which category. I know only that this will end badly for the president unless we have the Constitution on our side. And unless these states submit new slates of Trump electors pursuant to state law, we do not.

    We should chat then. I’d love to be proven wrong about my concerns. But I really think this could all backfire badly unless we have legislatures submitting trump slates (based on a conclusion that this was the proper result under state law). Even setting aside constitutional concerns, this will be harmful to the president if we don’t channel this effort properly. We simply have no authority to reject a state’s certified electoral votes in the absence of a dueling slates, with the Trump slate coming from a state legislative determination.

    Should I take this as a good sign that he gets it?

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sen. Mike Lee

    Well. Not as good as it appears

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    How so?

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sen. Mike Lee

    [Trump] thinks the legislatures have the power but that the Vp has power too.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sen. Mike Lee

    Apparently, he was told that you came out with a letter against the electoral objections. I told him that you were being very helpful. Bad intel

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    I’ve been spending 14 hours a day for the last week trying to unravel this for him. To have him take a shot at me like that in such a public setting without even asking me about it is pretty discouraging.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sen. Mike Lee

    I pushed back. It wasn’t in the prepared remarks. So sorry. He will call

  • Text from Sen. Mike Lee to Mark Meadows

    It’s not your fault. But I’ve been calling state legislators for hours today, and am going to spend hours doing the same tomorrow. I’m trying to figure out a path that I can persuasively defend, and this won’t make it any easier, especially if others now think I’m doing this because he went after me. This just makes it a lot more complicated. And it was complicated already. We need something from state legislatures to make this legitimate and to have any hope of winning. Even if they can’t convene, it might be enough if a majority of them are willing to sign a statement indicating how they would vote.

    And I’ve been working on doing that all day today.

    But now, my ability to do that with credibility is impaired.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Sen. Mike Lee

    So very sorry. I told him that you and I have been working it hard on his behalf

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    I am truly sorry I am in a different spot then you and our brothers re: Wednesday. But I will defend all.

  • Text from James O'Keefe to Mark Meadows

    thousands registered to vote at two church addresses in Atlanta. These admissions were obtained today. James.

  • Mark Meadows receives a slide deck presentation of conspiracy theories

    Retired U.S. Army colonel Phil Waldron presents a PowerPoint slide deck titled “Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN” to Mark Meadows. It contains conspiracy theories ranging from the Chinese government having breached U.S. election systems through Dominion voting machines to Hugo Chavez founding the voting machine company Smartmatic to compromise U.S. elections. It also contains a plan similar to the Eastman memo where Vice President Pence would reject Electoral College votes from states Trump lost.

  • Text from Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows

    Im very worried about the next 48 hours. Pence pressure. White House counsel will leave.

  • Mark Meadows emails an unnamed individual about the Jan. 6 rally

    Mark Meadows writes to an unnamed individual about the planned “Stop the Steal” rally to notify them that the National Guard will be present to “protect pro Trump people.”

  • Text from Rep. Jim Jordan to Mark Meadows

    On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all — in accordance with guidance from founding father Alexander Hamilton and judicial precedence. ‘No legislative act,’ wrote Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78, ‘contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.’ ‘The court in Hubbard v. Lowe reinforced this truth: ”That an unconstitutional statute is not a law at all is a proposition no longer open to discussion.’ ‘226 F. 135, 137 (SDNY 1915), appeal dismissed, 242 U.S. 654 (1916). ‘ Following this rationale, an unconstitutionally appointed elector, like an unconstitutionally enacted statute, is no elector at all.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Jim Jordan

    I have pushed for this. Not sure it is going to happen

  • Call between Mark Meadows and President Trump

    Mark Meadows speaks with former President Trump for 4 minutes on the morning of Jan. 6, 2021.

  • White House phone log gap begins

    The White House’s official phone logs for former President Trump show a gap of 7 hours and 37 minutes on Jan. 6, 2021, where there is no record of any calls made.

  • Rioters breach the Capitol

    Rioters break into the Capitol around 2:11 PM ET. Vice-President Pence is evacuated from the Senate floor at 2:13 PM ET, and the Senate is shortly thereafter called into recess.

  • Text from Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows

    Can he make a statement? Ask people to peacefully leave the [Capitol].

  • Call between President Trump and Sen. Tommy Tuberville

    President Trump mistakenly calls Sen. Mike Lee, who then hands the phone to Sen. Tommy Tuberville.

    Sen. Lee recalls:

    “I went and found Senator Tuberville, handed him my phone, and explained that the president would like to speak to him. I stood nearby for the next five or ten minutes as they spoke, not wanting to lose my phone in the middle of a crisis.

    Then the Capitol Police became very nervous and ordered us to evacuate the chamber immediately. As they were forcing everyone out of the chamber, I awkwardly found myself interrupting the same telephone conversation I had just facilitated.”

  • President Trump tweets about the Capitol Police

    “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you! Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”

  • Text from Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

    Do something for us

    We are under siege in the cpaitol [sic]

    There’s an armed standoff at the house chamber door

    “We’re all helpless”

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Jim Jordan

    I have pushed for this. Not sure it is going to happen

  • Text from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

    Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn’t the way to solve anything

  • Text from Mick Mulvaney to Mark Meadows

    Mark: he needs to stop this, now. Can I do anything to help?

  • Text from Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

    It’s really bad up here on the hill.

    They have breached the Capitol.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Barry Loudermilk

    POTUS is engaging

  • Text from Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

    Thanks. This doesn’t help our cause.

  • Text from Rep. William Timmons to Mark Meadows

    The president needs to stop this ASAP

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. William Timmons

    We are doing it

  • Text from Donald Trump Jr. to Mark Meadows

    He’s got to condem this shit. Asap. The captiol police tweet is not enough.

    This his one you go to the mattresses on. They will try to fuck his entire legacy on this if it gets worse.

  • Text from Reince Priebus to Mark Meadows


  • Text from Jason Miller to Mark Meadows and Dan Scavino

    Call me crazy, but ideas for two tweets from POTUS: 1) Bad apples, likely ANTIFA or other crazed leftists, infiltrated today’s peaceful protest over the fraudulent vote count. Violence is never acceptable! MAGA supporters embrace our police and the rule of law and should leave the Capitol now! 2) The fake news media who encouraged this summer’s violent and radical riots are now trying to blame peaceful and innocent MAGA supporters for violent actions. This isn’t who we are! Our people should head home and let the criminals suffer the consequences!

  • Text from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

    Mark we don’t think these attackers are our people. We think they are Antifa. Dressed like Trump supporters.

  • Text from Rep. Louie Gohmert to Mark Meadows

    Cap Police told me last night they’d been warned that today there’d be a lot of Antifa dressed in red Trump shirts & hats & would likely get violent. Good that Trump denounces violence but could add & well demand justice for those who became violent & well get to the bottom of what group they’re with.

  • Text from Donald Trump Jr. to Mark Meadows

    He’s got to condemn this shit ASAP. The Capitol police tweet is not enough.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Donald Trump Jr.

    I’m pushing it hard. I agree.

  • Text from Donald Trump Jr. to Mark Meadows

    We need an Oval Office address. He has to lead now. It has gone too far and gotten out of hand.

  • Text from Rep. Chip Roy to Mark Meadows

    This is a shitshow

    Fix this now.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Chip Roy

    We are

  • Text from Brian Kilmeade Mark Meadows

    Please get him on tv. Destroying everything you have accomplished.

  • Text from Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

    Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.

  • President Trump releases video statement

    President Trump releases a Twitter video statement directed to the rioters saying, “We love you. You’re very special.”

  • Capitol is secured

    The Capitol is officially declared secure.

  • President Trump calls Mark Meadows

    President Trump and Mark Meadows talk on the phone for 7 minutes.

  • Text from Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows and Rep. Jim Jordan

    Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days. He can’t mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?

  • Sen. Mitch McConnell calls Mark Meadows

    On the call, Sen. McConnell tells Meadows he is going to acknowledge Joe Biden as president-elect.

  • Text from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

    Yesterday was a terrible day. We tried everything we could in our objection to the 6 states. I’m sorry nothing worked. I don’t think that President Trump caused the attack on the Capitol. It’s not his fault. Antifa was mixed in the crowed and instigated it, and sadly people followed. But when people try everything and no one listens and nothing works, I guess they think they have no other choice. Absolutely no excuse and I fully denounce all of it, but after shut downs all year and a stolen election, people are saying that they have no other choice. I defended Trump last night on Newsmax. He has been the greatest President. I will continue to defend him. And you if anyone attacks you. I hope you are ok. I feel badly for everyone.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

    Thanks Marjorie

  • Text from Rep. Andrew Clyde to Mark Meadows

    Mark, This is Rep Andrew Clyde GA-09. I would like to pass to POTUS that we are still with him, I believe in him and I want to encourage him. I will do my best to continue to fight for election integrity too. Jody Hice suggested this was a good way to reach President Trump with encouragement. I truly hope he does create a new platform to complete with Twitter and I hope he calls it ‘Trumpet’ and then we can send out ‘notes’ to each other! Jennifer and I pray for POTUS daily, and FLOTUS too.

  • Text from Mark Meadows to Rep. Andrew Clyde

    I will share it with him. Thanks Andrew

  • Text from Ginni Thomas to Mark Meadows

    We are living in what feels like the end of America. Most of us are disgusted with the VP and are in listening mode to see where to fight with our teams. Those who attacked the Capitol are not representative of our great teams of patriots for DJT!! Amazing times. The end of liberty.

  • Text from Jason Miller to Mark Meadows, Jared Kushner, and Dan Scavino


  • Text from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

    In our private chat with only Members, several are saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to call for Marshall law. I don’t know on those things. I just wanted you to tell him. They stole this election. We all know. They will destroy our country next. Please tell him to declassify as much as possible so we can go after Biden and anyone else!

  • Text from Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows

    Well this is as bad as this can get.

  • Mark Meadows appears on "The Ingraham Angle"

    Mark Meadows appears on Laura Ingraham’s “The Ingraham Angle” on Fox News. On the show, he says, “[Trump] was trying to send in the National Guard to make sure that all the rioting that was going on, that it actually was quelled. He did the same thing on January 6. He didn’t delay at all.”

  • The U.S. House votes to create the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

    The House votes 222-190, with only two Republicans voting in favor of its formation: Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.

  • Jan. 6 Committee subpoenas Mark Meadows

    The subpoena requires Meadows to produce documents by Oct. 7 and to appear for a deposition on Oct. 15.

  • Meadows fails to appear before his deposition

  • Mark Meadows' book, "The Chief's Chief," is released

    On page 259, Meadows recounts specific conversations he had with Trump about whether Trump planned to join a march to the Capitol on Jan. 6.

  • Meadows again fails to appear for a deposition

  • The House Jan. 6 Committee votes to hold Meadows in criminal contempt

    The committee also releases texts from Trump allies who wanted him to call off rioters.

  • Cassidy Hutchinson, former aide to Mark Meadows, testifiies publically before the House Jan. 6 Committee.